Web Design and Development
SidePix is a fully-equipped software development company, and we’re broadly experienced in web development and design specifically. We provide our clients value through carefully selecting the best of the hottest new trends and implementing them alongside proven web techniques. The result is design that is sleek, easy, and modern, optimal for good search engine ranking, and a powerful tool for taking your image and marketing processes to the next level.
Functional Web Pages
For a website to be functional, it must be simple and work on all browsers and platforms. In order for you to achieve this, your design should not be overly-complicated and most importantly, it must be responsive. What is responsive web design? Responsive design is the ability for a web page to adapt to whatever device a user is using. Anyone who uses a smartphone these days can appreciate a responsive website as the design will modify itself to match the viewing area of your device. This is done without the use of mobile dedicated pages or any other server-side code. The advantages here are that you only have to maintain one version of your website, your information is accessible on any device, your servers have less overhead, and the search engine companies reward your site by including it in their mobile search results.
So when you are looking to get a new website design done, make sure it is responsive! It makes your website mobile friendly and it will look great on any sized screen.
Another important aspect of website functionality is that it must be easy to navigate and understand. Here is where we apply the KISS principle to your website design. “Keep it simple, stupid” was a term used by the Navy which stated that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated. In our high-speed broadband society, we want the information at our fingertips to be delivered instantly and without compromise. This is why our websites adhere to best practices when it comes to designing our navigational menus and web page layouts.
Concise Content
Good content is what sets your website apart from the masses and delivers the right message into the hearts and minds of your customers. The success of your website is determined primarily by its content. Ultimately, content wins the wallets of your customers. All other components of your website (design, visuals, videos, etc.) provide a secondary support role. If you have effective taglines, great design will only enhance their effectiveness. The design itself does not sell.
Having captured potential customers’ interest, your biggest priority is to continually reinforce the connection between them and your company. Content marketing has an especially long-lasting effect as high-quality content entices users to continue reading, clicking and exploring.
SidePix achieves these objectives by having a highly skilled staff of programmers, copywriters and graphic designers, who know their individual crafts and how to get stuff and working fast. We work together to capture the vision and deliver on time.
Fast Graphics
A dilemma for some users on slow internet plans or poor wifi hotspots is lag or wait times often required for graphics to download. Our team overcomes this dilemma by optimizing graphics to smaller palettes sizes, reducing colors from millions down to a few hundred. This results in images with significantly reduced file sizes (while a standard image could take up 250k, our optimized images are only 120k and look amazing). Reduced file size equals a faster trip from the server to the visitor’s device without sacrificing quality, and in turn, a happier, more productive visit. With our optimized graphics, our clients can have beautiful looking logos, advertisements, hero banners and even large backgrounds without sacrificing the speed demanded by users.