How to Display Current Canadian Mortgage Rates on your website
Are you a realtor, broker or financial planner with a website? Do you need up-to-date Canadian mortgage rates displayed on your web page? You can choose from the 200 plus rate boxes to suit your web site. We have tailor made boxes for most of Canada's Real Estate Companies and related websites.
These rates are automatically updated daily. No follow up maintenance ever needs to be made. This is an excellent marketing tool that we have provided to you at no charge. Like the hundreds of web sites currently using this service you to can enjoy up to the minute mortgage rates on your site.
In today's busy real estate market, the mortgage qualification process is one of the key factors in finding your client a home. Mortgage rates to a home buyer are as important to your perspective client as the home itself. Having the lowest and up to the minute rates can allow a potential client to qualify for a higher purchase price. Our rate boxes are an excellent resource for your existing clients as well as perspective clients.
Stats prove that clients will return to a web site if it's current and correct!
